For answers to these and more questions, please join us on Wednesdays, 6:30pm. All ages are welcome. We have a recreation room open for the little ones.
We are studying the everlasting faith as explained in the Small Catechism. You may download a copy of the explanation here at this link.
This document answers these questions and more. It is the explanation that accompanies the Small Catechism, the short teaching. It is authoritatively from the revealed mystery, a light in the darkness, God's Holy Writ.
It is organized and highly suggested (at the least) as yearly reading. The questions are answered in a brief summary. Then several proof quotes from scripture, profitable for committing to heart to safeguard against mis-belief and despair. The biblical references are included so you may further study in context, a good Lutheran habit.
God bless you as you study the faith revealed from on high, the truth of God breathed out in the Spirit of His good Word.
Join us for "Revelation: Explaining All the Scary Stuff"
in Harvell Hall, on Thursdays at 6pm starting September 23rd.
Nobody said demons, plagues, and an appointment with Armageddon would be fun, but it doesn't have to be feared-at least not for the Christian. Check out how the latest LHM Men's NetWork Bible study, Explaining All The Scary Stuff In Revelation, gives both insight-and encouragement to those who follow "the bright Morning Star."
Often, the book of Revelation is viewed with mixed emotions. Its fantastic imagery and cryptic phrasings can leave people scratching their heads as they wonder about its real message. Unfortunately, this impasse can lead the individual to side step the book altogether, thus missing its power and significance as a one-of-a-kind text of Scripture.
Addressing this situation, the Rev. Dr. Ken Klaus, Speaker of The Lutheran Hour, has penned a brand-new Bible study for the LHM Men's NetWork: Explaining All The Scary Stuff In Revelation. In this four-part study, Pastor Klaus explains how Revelation reveals God's divine plan for His creation and has Him fully in control. Though Revelation indicates God's people will endure sufferings it reminds them their victory is final and sure. The text also gives believers the ultimate paradox: death in Jesus is not a disgrace, but the ultimate victory.
Showing how the budding Christian Church was from its infancy on a collision course with Rome, the political and military titan of the day, Pastor Klaus details why the apostle John used a cryptic style to convey God's message and how doing so kept it undetected by Imperial Rome. During the first centuries of the Christian era, Jesus' followers struggled to remain faithful, even as they risked everything to share the Good News of their Savior. Pastor Klaus reminds us how a Christian's perspective is woefully limited, especially when doing battle in the trenches. It is when looking down from above with faith-with an angel's eye-that believers know the victory is theirs and the enemy is already defeated through the blood of Christ.
What awaits believers according to Revelation's final chapter is a "new heaven and a new earth" (Revelation 21:1a). Through an angel sent by God, John testified "to everything he saw-that is, the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ" (Revelation 1:2). In this LHM Men's NetWork Bible study, you, too, will glean fresh insights into this fascinating book and discover why-even for all its horrendous descriptions and obtuse references, it stands first and foremost as a text of enduring hope and ultimate victory for the Christian.
Hello all,
As promised, here's some links regards to being involved with our government, and being informed to vote. Let me know if you have any to share:
Digging Deeper: Where Can I Find Congressional Voting Records?
This 1st Web site provides the voting records of the U.S. Senate. This 2nd Web site provides links to Library of Congress documents, voting records, and a list of elected officials, races, and candidates by ZIP code.
Digging Deeper: Where Can I Find Information On Candidates And Issues?
Rock The Vote: This Web site has quick-and-easy facts on state voting information and where to find your polling place. It has a state-by-state breakdown of ID requirements for voting. It also gives a nice tip in that if you show up at a polling place and your name is not on its list, you can still cast a provisional ballot?" something most people probably don't know.
Ben's Guide: This U.S. Government Printing Office Web site is entitled "Ben's Guide to U.S. Government for kids," but it's definitely fit for adults. It gives valuable information into the election process of the president and the vice-president through the primary election, the general election, and the Electoral College. It also gives details on the election of senators and representatives. Other entries include "Duties and Responsibilities of Citizens," a 130-page PDF document detailing, "Our American Government," and "Amendments to the Constitution of the United States."
Yours in Christ,
+ Pastor Shaw +